
3 questions about turning right at a red light

Do you often hesitate to turn right at a red light? Test your knowledge on the subject by answering these few questions.

  1. Since when is it allowed to turn right at a red light in Quebec?

a) 1993

b) 2003

c) 2013

2. Is it wrong for a motorist not to turn right at a red light when permitted to do so?

a) Yes, because it impedes the flow of traffic.

b) Yes, because it shows a lack of courtesy toward those waiting behind.

c) No, because turning right at a red light isn’t mandatory

3. What is the correct way to turn right at a red light?

a) Activate your turn signal, stop before the stop line, check that the lane is clear and make the turn.

b) Slow down, check if the lane is clear, activate your turn signal and make the turn.

c) Activate your turn signal and make the turn if the lane is clear.


  • 1.b) Turning right has been permitted everywhere in Quebec since April 12, 2003, except on the Island of Montreal and at intersections where a sign prohibits it.
  • 2. c) Turning right is a privilege, not an obligation. In other words, if a motorist behind you gets impatient and honks their horn because you didn’t turn right at a red light, they’re in the wrong
  • 3. a) Check your right blind spot before turning to ensure there are no cyclists or pedestrians in the way.

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