After having your vehicle professionally inspected at a repair shop, you may be told that the brake fluid level is low or that you should consider replacing it. Do you know which factors the experts consider when selecting the best ...
Are you passionate about cars? Do you want to learn more about road safety? M 360 Mechanic’s blog is full of expert-approved articles that are both educational and entertaining. Discover the basic mechanics of a car, safe driving tips, news from the automotive industry and more.
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What should you do if your check engine light suddenly comes on, but your engine doesn’t seem to be having any trouble? Answer the following questions to ...
Preventive maintenance helps keep your car safe and slow the effects of normal wear and tear. However, some tasks, such as a wheel alignment, are also necessary ...
Winter is finally over! Now, it’s time to make an appointment for a spring inspection to ensure your vehicle is safe and in good working condition. Answer ...
The suspension system is a critical component of any vehicle, ensuring a smooth ride and optimal interaction between unsprung weight, such as the wheels and brakes, and ...
Driving while drowsy is a leading cause of road fatalities. Test your knowledge of this phenomenon by answering these three questions. Being tired can affect your ability to ...
There’s still a bit of a grey area when it comes to using your mobile phone while driving. Find out how much you know about the rules ...