Once fall arrives, repair shops start filling up with appointments for tire changes. Making an appointment so early may seem excessive, but it’s important to remember the consequences of missing the deadline. Ask yourself these three questions to avoid any ...
Are you passionate about cars? Do you want to learn more about road safety? M 360 Mechanic’s blog is full of expert-approved articles that are both educational and entertaining. Discover the basic mechanics of a car, safe driving tips, news from the automotive industry and more.
Happy reading!
Despite being a cautious driver, you could still get into an accident near a body of water or skid off a slippery road into a nearby lake ...
After having your vehicle professionally inspected at a repair shop, you may be told that the brake fluid level is low or that you should consider replacing ...
It’s common knowledge that emissions from transportation are a significant contributor to climate change. Although researchers are developing various renewable energy technologies, there are things you can ...
What should you do if your check engine light suddenly comes on, but your engine doesn’t seem to be having any trouble? Answer the following questions to ...
Do you know what it means when the weather is great and there are plenty of opportunities to escape from it all? It’s holiday time! Even though ...
Preventive maintenance helps keep your car safe and slow the effects of normal wear and tear. However, some tasks, such as a wheel alignment, are also necessary ...