
Carpooling: a winning solution!

It’s common knowledge that emissions from transportation are a significant contributor to climate change. Although researchers are developing various renewable energy technologies, there are things you can do today to help slow the effects of this global phenomenon. Carpooling is an effective alternative to driving alone and has numerous secondary benefits. Here’s a quick overview of this fast-growing practice.

Direct environmental impact

Did you know carpooling to and from work five days a week could help you reduce your annual carbon footprint by approximately 1.5 tonnes a year? This emissions reduction is equivalent to planting 10 mature trees. In Quebec alone, at least six million vehicles are registered on the roads yearly. A quick calculation reveals the significant environmental benefits of car sharing on a large scale.

A concrete way to save

Car expenses, such as maintenance, insurance and registration, can quickly add up. By sharing the costs between you and other passengers, you could save over $2,500 a year on gas.

Safer roads

According to recent research by experts, car sharing could help reduce the risk of accidents. A driver accompanied by passengers is less likely to make dangerous manoeuvres than driving alone.

Every small gesture counts in the fight against climate change. This year, why not combine business with pleasure by carpooling as a driver or passenger? For more green tips, make sure to visit our blog frequently!

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