
Everything you need to know about windshield washer fluid

As a motorist, you know the importance of regularly topping up your windshield washer fluid and keeping a spare jug in your trunk to avoid running out on the road. But are you using it correctly? Are you choosing the right formula? Find out by answering these questions.
1.    What’s the biggest difference between summer and winter windshield washer fluid?
a) Summer fluid evaporates less quickly

b) Winter fluid contains more antifreeze
c) Summer fluid is less polluting
2.    What could happen if you mix two different kinds of windshield washer fluid?
a) A chemical reaction could cause the reservoir to crack

b) Nothing—the two formulas can’t dissolve in each other

c) It would dilute the product, making it less effective
3.    True or false? When topping up your windshield washer fluid, it’s important to leave a little space in the tank. 


  1. b) Although summer (or all-season) formulas can work effectively in sub-zero temperatures, winter formulas contain much more antifreeze, preventing the fluid from freezing on contact with the windshield in extreme cold. Winter fluids also break down road salts, whereas summer fluids are primarily formulated to clear the windshield of dirt and insects.
  2. c) Mixing summer windshield washer fluid with winter fluid dilutes the antifreeze, making it less effective at de-icing your windshield. Avoid mixing the two formulas and wait until one is nearly empty before adding the other.
  3. True. Engine heat causes windshield washer fluid to expand, so leave a little space in the reservoir to ensure optimal performance. Most vehicles have a max fill line on the reservoir to guide you.

Need advice on windshield washer fluids and how to use them? 

Talk to an expert the next time you visit your nearest M 360 Mechanic.

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