
Wheel alignment: how important is it?

Preventive maintenance helps keep your car safe and slow the effects of normal wear and tear. However, some tasks, such as a wheel alignment, are also necessary to keep your vehicle from wearing out too soon. Do you know everything there is to know about wheel alignment? Answer the following questions to find out!

  1. Which of the following is NOT a common sign that your wheels are misaligned?
    • a) The vehicle pulls to the left or right when driving
    • b) There’s a loud noise coming from underneath the car
    • c) The steering wheel vibrates
    • d) The tires are worn unevenly
  2. What part of the vehicle does the mechanic work on during an alignment?
    • a) The suspension
    • b) The axles
    • c) The tires
    • d) The wheels
  3. Why is proper wheel alignment necessary?
    • a) It prevents fuel waste
    • b) Women inIt extends the tire’s lifespan
    • c) It ensures safe handling
    • d) All of the above


  1. b) Poor wheel alignment doesn’t usually cause loud noises. It affects the car’s steering and handling. Keep an eye on your tires: if they wear unevenly or at an angle, call your mechanic.
  2. a) The suspension connects a car to its wheels. Adjusting it determines the angle at which the tires come into contact with the road. The mechanic doesn’t touch any other parts of your vehicle.
  3. d) Precise alignment makes driving safer and prevents your tires from wearing prematurely. Additionally, the engine uses less energy to turn the wheels, so you save on fuel.

Experts recommend having your wheels aligned every two or three years or approximately every 50,000 kilometres, and immediately after an accident. Need an appointment? Contact your nearest M 360 Mechanic.

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