
How much do you know about driving while tired?

Driving while drowsy is a leading cause of road fatalities. Test your knowledge of this phenomenon by answering these three questions.

  1. Being tired can affect your ability to drive in many ways. Which of the following isn’t a symptom of drowsy driving?
    • a) Longer reaction times
    • b) Increased alertness
    • c) Decreased reflexes
    • d) Impaired memory
    • e) Decreased visual field
  2. What should you do if you start feeling tired, yawning or experiencing stinging eyes and difficulty concentrating while driving?
    • a) Drive faster to reach your destination before you fall asleep
    • b) Open the window and listen to loud music
    • c) Stop as soon as possible in a safe place and take a nap
  3. Which drivers are most at risk of fatigue at the wheel?
    • a) Men under 30 and those 55 and older
    • b) Women in their 40s and those 70 and older
    • c) Seniors aged 80 and older (all genders)


  1. b) When people are tired while driving, they might think they’re paying extra attention to make up for feeling tired.
  2. c) It can’t be said enough: the only effective way to overcome fatigue is to stop driving as soon as you feel tired.
  3. a) Also professional drivers, people with sleep disorders and those with irregular working hours or a lifestyle that reduces the quality of their sleep are at an increased risk of drowsy driving.

You must have your wits about you when driving! Are you unsure about the condition of your car? Make an appointment at your nearest M 360 Mechanic today for an inspection.

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